
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Blah... Blah... Blah...

In the last 11 hours I have started not 1, not 2 but 14 different posts.  I ramble.  About stupid stuff at that.  I walked away from each post feeling defeated and illiterate.  Now, I'm just ambitious.  Ambitious for something new. 

I need to take this writing somewhere.  I need to do something else with it. 

If anyone has any ideas, PLEASE!!! I beg of you... let me know.


  1. I can't remember if we've emailed, or just commented through blogging. Send me your email so we can talk that way. Wondering where you live to host a class. I only teach about a 20 min. drive away. Let me know. Thanks!

    -Coupon with Kari

  2. ---As Anne Lamotte says: "Just Write."
    You will know what to do when it's time.
    Never Stop Writing....Write as you Breathe.
    Popping in from LBS. xx good luck.

  3. Some pretty intense struggling going on. I attended a seminar once and found out my name was "invisible woman". I changed it to Snow White. Why Snow White, you say? Because she can't get away from that damned mirror! She isn't invisible and she is okay. You will find your other name if you just keep searching. Stopping by from the LBS tea party. Keep searching! --Donna

  4. I do the same thing. It becomes frustrating sometimes because I feel like I have so much to say and I just don't know either where to start or how to say it.
